Kelli and I were kicking back in my room after lunch yesterday, taking the Angolan equivalent of a siesta, when from outside:
BOOOM! and then HEY HEY HEY!
My room is at the front of the building and there’s often a commotion going on. This one sounded different.
We looked out to see a man frantically waving his hands in front of his car, which was in the middle of the street spewing flames from the hood.
Kelli, one moment, wide-eyed: “Oh my GOD! The CAR’S GOING TO EXPLODE!”
Kelli, 30 seconds later after seeing that said car did not explode: out on the patio shooting a video with her iPhone (thanks, babe!)
Every man, woman and child within a three block radius came out to view the ruckus. People were yelling, taking pictures and being generally unhelpful to the poor dude whose BMW was smoldering in the street.
After about five minutes, they finally managed to open the hood and douse the flames with a decent fire extinguisher … seconds before the fire department arrived.
A riot nearly ensued as people yelled profanities and ‘hey thanks for coming, dipshits’ at the firemen.
Never a dull moment in Angola.

Five minutes later the street was empty again as if nothing happened.