Ramblings. Musings. Strange Eatings.


The first computer I can remember having was an Apple IIe: greyish-green case, monochrome monitor with springy keys that made loud tap-tappy noises when you hit them. In fact, I probably learned to type on that machine … and also how to procrastinate.

Case in point: Spy Hunter.

I loved that game.

Hard drive? Who needs a hard drive when you have an 8-inch floppy? You know, the kind that’s apparently protecting the world for nuclear Armageddon.

The other day I finally checked back in with my blog and realized it’s been too long since my last post. Two months? Jeez.

It’s not that I haven’t wanted to write. Quite the contrary: I keep meaning to post something. Anything. It’s just that when you put something off for long enough, inaction becomes easier than finally just sitting down and doing it—even when you enjoy doing said “thing.”

I have ideas / thoughts / photos to share—from our trip, from my past and from my normal everyday experience–and I truly appreciate that you take the time to read my occasional ramblings. But even if no one sees this blog, I always have my ears and eyes open about things to post about. They are just waiting to come out. Just like the cursor of that old Apple IIe: blink. blink. blink.

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