After you board an airplane, there’s nothing like that magical moment when the cabin doors close and there is an entire row of empty seats right next to you. You […]

When you’re traveling on a budget, you become hyper-aware of money. How much is that? What’s that in dollars, again? Should we go somewhere else? Exchange rates, colorful bills, funny […]

Kelli and I were kicking back in my room after lunch yesterday, taking the Angolan equivalent of a siesta, when from outside: BOOOM! and then HEY HEY HEY! My room […]

Last weekend, my brother Jeff and I headed into San Francisco to meet up with my good friend Jeb and his buddy Keith. The original plan had us trying to […]

I woke up early this morning. 5:45ish. Last night I had a restless sleep, anticipating a fairly long day on the road from Salt Lake City to Lake Tahoe. My […]
And we’re off … And we’re back. You always forget something. I got around the block and realized I had left my bike lock in the bushes. Normally, not a […]