The first computer I can remember having was an Apple IIe: greyish-green case, monochrome monitor with springy keys that made loud tap-tappy noises when you hit them. In fact, I probably learned to type on that machine … and also how to procrastinate. Case in point: Spy Hunter.
cursors →
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It hasn’t rained in months. I honestly can’t remember the last time. March? April? I know that there has probably been the odd drizzle, but we definitely haven’t seen anything […]
fires and linen →
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Everyone here seems to think I’m a doctor. I guess it would make sense … why else would a non-oil-worker-type person be coming to a hospital everyday with two women […]
Honorary Degree →
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Listen as Angola relaxes to the soothing sounds of adult contemporary music.
Late Night Sax →
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The first few days back: jetlag among other things.
Lights and sounds →
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A new design that’s pretty much the same, but different.
New Crab Sandwich →
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Since Kelli and I missed the boat on the whole ‘Christmas Card’ thing, we thought we’d let you choose your own. Take your pick: A. Classic and Classy B. Tramp-Stamp […]
choose-your-own X-mas card →
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Note, You are in Africa. Please put on sunblock. Thank you, Self After a night spent turtle-searching, we decided to break up the three-hour drive from Rio Longa to Luanda […]
Sunburn →
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words strung together lose grip in heat, sun and sounds. como se diz?
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Several years ago when I was traveling through South America, my stomach / GI tract was doing just fine for the first few months. Gallo in Guatemala … cuy in […]
gif you know what I mean →
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