Ramblings. Musings. Strange Eatings.

on waiting and hoping

When it comes to organized events in Angola, perhaps it’s fitting that the Portuguese word for ‘wait’ is the same as the one that’s used for ‘hope’ – esperar.

As in, “I hope this damn thing starts before I die of starvation / thirst / malaria / boredom.”

on waiting and hoping →

meeting times

If there’s one thing I’ve come to know since moving to Angola, it’s to not take meeting times literally. I’ve learned this the hard way plenty of times. Of course, […]

meeting times →

1-1 at the interval

Campeões de Cabinda

It was a dramatic finish. We were trailing 2-1 with two minutes left. The players on the opposing team were up behind their bench, arms locked around each other’s shoulders, […]

Campeões de Cabinda →

Black Toe

It’s a good thing I brought my soccer shoes.

Black Toe →


Last weekend, my good friend Andrew aka “Macka” got the hookup: club-level seats for a Premier League match at Emirates Stadium between Arsenal and Fulham. (CAVEAT: By “hookup”, I mean […]

Arsenal →